Explore The National Center For Education Statistics Today

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Welcome to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), an essential resource for education data and research in the United States. As part of the Institute of Education Sciences within the U.S. Department of Education, NCES collects, analyzes, and publishes statistical information on education and public school district finance. Our goal is to provide comprehensive and trusted research sources for anyone interested in understanding and improving American education.

Key Takeaways:

  • NCES is a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System, focusing on education data and research.
  • We collect and analyze a wide range of statistical information on education in the United States.
  • Our research sources help inform policy decisions, improve educational practices, and identify education trends.
  • NCES conducts international comparisons of education statistics, promoting standardized terminology and definitions.
  • Access our data tools and resources to explore education data, search for schools, and access research articles.

The Role of NCES in Education Research

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) plays a crucial role in education research by providing valuable data and resources for researchers, policymakers, and educators. NCES collects and analyzes educational measurement and indicators to track education trends and inform evidence-based practices. With its extensive collection of statistical information on education, NCES helps shape the understanding of the US education system and supports informed decision making.

Researchers can access a wealth of educational research data from NCES, including information on enrollment, demographics, school characteristics, and academic achievement. This rich source of data allows researchers to conduct in-depth analyses and generate insights into various aspects of education. Through longitudinal studies and national surveys, NCES provides researchers with comprehensive data to understand educational outcomes and identify areas for improvement.

Additionally, NCES plays a crucial role in tracking education trends over time. By collecting and analyzing data on education statistics, NCES helps identify changes in educational performance, enrollment patterns, and other key indicators. This information is essential for policymakers and educators to develop evidence-based policies and interventions that address the evolving needs of students and schools.

education research image

Overall, NCES acts as a trusted source of statistical information on education, providing researchers with the data they need to make informed decisions, and driving evidence-based practices in education. By promoting educational measurement and research, NCES contributes to the improvement of the US education system and supports the development of effective policies and practices.

Data Collections at NCES

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) collects a wide range of data to provide comprehensive insights into education in the United States. These data collections play a crucial role in understanding education trends, informing policy decisions, and improving educational practices. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key data collections conducted by NCES.

The first division responsible for data collection at NCES is the Administrative Data Division. This division collects data from K-12 education agencies and postsecondary institutions, providing valuable information on enrollment, demographics, and finance. The data collected by this division helps policymakers and researchers better understand the functioning of public school systems and postsecondary education institutions.

“The Administrative Data Division collects data from K-12 education agencies and postsecondary institutions, providing valuable information on enrollment, demographics, and finance.”

In addition to administrative data, NCES conducts national surveys to gather information on various aspects of education. One of the most well-known surveys conducted by NCES is the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NAEP assesses student performance in subjects such as reading, mathematics, and science, providing valuable insights into the academic achievement of students across the country.

NCES also maintains databases like the Common Core of Data (CCD) and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). These databases serve as a comprehensive resource for education data, allowing users to explore information on public schools, postsecondary institutions, and more.

The data collections conducted by NCES serve as a foundation for evidence-based policy decisions, research, and analysis in the field of education. These robust data sources allow stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of education trends and make informed decisions to improve educational outcomes.

Data Collection Description
Administrative Data Division Collects data from K-12 education agencies and postsecondary institutions, providing valuable information on enrollment, demographics, and finance.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Assesses student performance in subjects such as reading, mathematics, and science to provide insights into academic achievement.
Common Core of Data (CCD) A database that contains comprehensive information on public schools and school districts in the United States.
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) A database that provides information on postsecondary institutions, including enrollment, graduation rates, and finance.

These data collections contribute to a greater understanding of education in the United States and play a vital role in shaping policy, research, and decision-making in the field of education.

Accessing NCES Data

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) provides a range of tools and resources for accessing education data. Whether you’re a researcher, educator, policymaker, or member of the public, NCES offers various options to explore and analyze education statistics.

One key resource is the College Navigator, an online platform that allows users to search for and compare information on colleges and universities in the United States. It provides data on enrollment, graduation rates, tuition costs, financial aid, and more.

Data tools are another valuable resource offered by NCES. These tools, such as QuickStats, PowerStats, and TrendStats, enable users to analyze federal education datasets and create custom tables and charts. They provide a user-friendly interface with options to filter and manipulate data to suit specific research needs.

The Online Codebook is a useful tool for researchers who want to download survey datasets in various statistical software formats. It provides a comprehensive documentation of each dataset, including variable descriptions and coding information.

The International Data Explorer is an interactive tool that allows users to explore and compare international assessment and survey data. It provides access to data from assessments such as the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).

NCES also offers search tools for finding information on public school districts, public schools, and private schools. These search tools allow users to access data on enrollment, demographics, and academic performance.

Furthermore, NCES provides a Bibliography Search Tool for finding research articles that use NCES data. This tool helps researchers discover relevant studies and publications in their area of interest.

Data Access Tools Description
College Navigator An online platform for searching and comparing information on colleges and universities in the United States.
Data Tools Tools for analyzing federal education datasets and creating custom tables and charts.
Online Codebook A tool for downloading survey datasets in various statistical software formats.
International Data Explorer An interactive tool for exploring and comparing international assessment and survey data.
Search Tools Tools for finding information on public school districts, public schools, and private schools.
Bibliography Search Tool A tool for finding research articles that use NCES data.

Accessing NCES Data

NCES Annual Reports and Publications

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) publishes a variety of annual reports and publications that provide valuable insights into education trends and statistics in the United States. These reports offer in-depth analyses and comprehensive data on various aspects of education, ranging from student performance to school safety.

One of the key publications by NCES is the Annual Report on the Condition of Education. This report provides a comprehensive overview of education in the United States, highlighting important trends and indicators. It covers areas such as enrollment rates, attainment levels, educational expenditures, and demographic shifts in the student population.

Another important publication is the Digest of Education Statistics, which compiles statistical tables covering all levels of education. These tables provide data on topics such as enrollment, graduation rates, educational attainment, and education finance. They serve as a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and educators seeking to understand the current state of education in the country.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

NCES also produces reports that focus on specific areas of education. For example, the Indicators of School Crime and Safety report examines the prevalence of crime and safety issues in schools, providing insights into the challenges faced by students and educators. Additionally, reports like Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates shed light on important educational milestones and help identify strategies for improving graduation rates.

Table 1 below presents a summary of NCES’ key annual reports and publications:

Publication Description
Annual Report on the Condition of Education Provides a comprehensive overview of education in the United States, highlighting important trends and indicators.
Digest of Education Statistics Compiles statistical tables covering all levels of education, offering data on enrollment, graduation rates, educational attainment, and more.
Projections of Education Statistics Offers future projections for key education indicators, helping policymakers and educators anticipate future educational needs.
Indicators of School Crime and Safety Examines the prevalence of crime and safety issues in schools, providing insights into challenges faced by students and educators.
Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates Sheds light on important educational milestones, helping identify strategies for improving graduation rates.
Condition of Education Presents a wide range of data on education topics, including enrollment, student achievement, and educational expenditures.
Racial and Ethnic Groups in Education Focuses on the experiences and outcomes of different racial and ethnic groups in the education system.

nces annual reports

These reports and publications by NCES serve as valuable resources for researchers, policymakers, and educators seeking to understand and improve the education system. They provide comprehensive data, analysis, and insights that contribute to evidence-based decision making and informed policy discussions. By making this information readily available, NCES enables stakeholders to work towards enhancing educational outcomes for all students.

NCES Research Programs

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) conducts a diverse range of research programs to generate knowledge and insights into different aspects of education. These programs contribute to a deeper understanding of education and inform evidence-based policies and practices. Let’s explore some of the key research programs conducted by NCES:

Assessment Programs

  • National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): NAEP is often referred to as the “Nation’s Report Card” and provides valuable information about student performance in various subjects. It assesses students across the United States, providing a comprehensive snapshot of educational achievement.
  • National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL): NAAL assesses the literacy skills of adults in the United States, helping to identify the literacy levels and needs of the adult population.

Early Childhood Studies

NCES conducts studies that focus on early childhood education to understand the factors influencing children’s development and educational outcomes. These studies provide insights into the effectiveness of early intervention programs and support the development of evidence-based practices.

Elementary and Secondary Studies

NCES conducts research programs that focus on elementary and secondary education, examining factors such as student achievement, school quality, and educational disparities. These studies help identify effective strategies for improving educational outcomes and narrowing achievement gaps.

Postsecondary Studies

NCES research programs also explore postsecondary education, including college enrollment, completion rates, and student financing. These studies provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by students pursuing higher education.

Longitudinal Studies

NCES conducts longitudinal studies that follow cohorts of students over time to examine their educational and career paths. These studies provide valuable data on factors influencing educational success and inform policies to support student transitions and improve outcomes.

National Surveys

NCES conducts national surveys that cover a wide range of topics, including school finance, teacher staffing, and school safety. These surveys provide valuable data on the characteristics and experiences of students, teachers, and schools, helping to inform policies and practices.

By conducting these research programs, NCES generates valuable insights into education, which are essential for evidence-based decision-making and the continuous improvement of educational policies and practices.


The Organizational Structure of NCES

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) operates under a well-defined organizational structure that ensures effective data collection, analysis, and dissemination of education statistics. This structure enables NCES to fulfill its mission of providing comprehensive and reliable research sources for education policymakers, researchers, and the public.

Office of the Commissioner

The Office of the Commissioner serves as the governing body of NCES, setting policies and standards for the center’s operations. It provides strategic leadership and direction to ensure the quality and integrity of education statistics produced by NCES. The office plays a critical role in establishing partnerships and collaborations with various stakeholders in the education community.

Administrative Data Division

The Administrative Data Division at NCES is responsible for the collection and analysis of administrative records data. This division works in collaboration with K-12 education agencies and postsecondary institutions to gather data on enrollment, demographics, school finance, and other key aspects of education. The division ensures the accuracy and confidentiality of the collected data.

Assessment Division

The Assessment Division focuses on conducting national assessments and other assessment activities. It oversees programs such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), which provides valuable insights into student achievement and educational trends. The division plays a crucial role in developing reliable assessment frameworks and administering assessments to representative samples of students.

Sample Surveys Division

The Sample Surveys Division conducts surveys at all levels of education, gathering data on various topics related to education. These surveys cover areas such as school finance, teacher staffing, school safety, and more. The division ensures the representativeness and accuracy of the collected survey data, which serves as a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and educators.

Annual Reports and Information Staff

The Annual Reports and Information Staff at NCES is responsible for preparing analyses and reports on various education topics. They compile and publish annual reports such as the “Report on the Condition of Education” and the “Digest of Education Statistics.” The staff also provides support in disseminating information through various channels, ensuring that education data reaches a wide audience.

Department Main Responsibilities
Office of the Commissioner Setting policies and standards, strategic leadership, partnerships
Administrative Data Division Collection and analysis of administrative records data
Assessment Division National assessments, assessment frameworks
Sample Surveys Division Conducting surveys at all levels of education
Annual Reports and Information Staff Preparing analyses and reports on education topics

NCES’ Contributions to Education Policy

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) plays a crucial role in shaping education policy through its provision of high-quality data and research. Policymakers rely on NCES data to make informed decisions and develop evidence-based policies. The comprehensive statistics and research conducted by NCES help identify areas of improvement, evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs, and inform policy recommendations. By providing policymakers with reliable and up-to-date information, NCES contributes to the development of effective education policies that positively impact student outcomes and the education system as a whole.

Evidence-Based Policy Decisions

NCES’ data and research serve as the foundation for evidence-based policy decisions in education. Policymakers can access a wide range of statistics and studies on topics such as student performance, graduation rates, and educational disparities. This wealth of information allows policymakers to identify areas of improvement and formulate targeted policies to address these issues. By using data-driven evidence, policymakers can make informed decisions that have a meaningful impact on educational outcomes.

Informing Education Research

NCES’ contributions to education research are invaluable. Researchers can access comprehensive data sets and research publications to conduct studies and generate insights into various aspects of education. By providing reliable and accessible data, NCES empowers researchers to explore new theories, test hypotheses, and contribute to the overall knowledge base in the field of education. This ongoing research helps identify best practices, evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, and drive improvements in educational policies and practices.

NCES’ comprehensive statistics and research provide a solid foundation for evidence-based decision making in education policy and practice. Policymakers and researchers can rely on NCES to provide the data and insights needed to shape effective policies and drive educational improvements.

Policy Area NCES Contribution
Educational Equity NCES data helps identify achievement gaps and inequities in educational outcomes, informing policies to address these disparities.
Evaluation of Programs NCES research evaluates the effectiveness of educational interventions, guiding policy decisions on program implementation and resource allocation.
Educator Preparation NCES data on teacher demographics and qualifications informs policies to improve the recruitment, training, and retention of high-quality educators.
Assessment and Accountability NCES assessments, such as NAEP, provide objective measures of student performance, guiding policies on standards, accountability, and assessment practices.

NCES’ contributions to education policy extend beyond data collection and research. The center actively engages with policymakers, providing policy briefs, reports, and technical assistance to support evidence-based decision making. NCES also collaborates with other organizations and agencies to enhance the impact of its research and ensure its findings inform policy implementation at the national, state, and local levels. By bridging the gap between research and practice, NCES plays a vital role in driving meaningful improvements in education policy and practice.

NCES Contributions to Education Policy

International Comparisons by NCES

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) plays a significant role in conducting international comparisons of education systems. Through assessments such as the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), NCES helps evaluate the performance of students in various subjects and provides valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of education systems across countries.

The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) assesses the knowledge and skills of 15-year-old students in reading, mathematics, and science. It enables a comparison of student performance across countries and provides insights into the effectiveness of education systems in preparing students for future challenges.

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) focuses on assessing the mathematics and science knowledge of students at different grade levels. It provides valuable data on how education systems across countries fare in terms of teaching these subjects and helps identify areas for improvement.

The International Data Explorer is a resource provided by NCES that allows users to explore and compare student and adult performance on various assessments and survey results for the U.S. and other countries. It provides a comprehensive view of how different education systems perform in relation to each other and offers insights into the factors that contribute to their success.

By participating in international assessments and analyzing the data, NCES contributes to the understanding of global education trends. The insights gained from these comparisons inform discussions on education policy and practices, enabling countries to learn from each other and make informed decisions to improve their own education systems.

NCES’ Impact on Education Research and Practice

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has a profound impact on education research and practice, serving as a catalyst for evidence-based practices and data-driven decision making. Researchers rely on the comprehensive and reliable data provided by NCES to conduct studies on various aspects of education, from student performance and achievement to school demographics and educational outcomes.

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Educators and administrators also benefit from NCES’ contributions, using the data to inform their decision-making processes and implement evidence-based practices in schools and districts. The availability of high-quality and up-to-date data enables educators to identify areas for improvement, track progress over time, and make informed decisions to enhance student learning and outcomes.

Table 10.1: Examples of NCES’ Impact on Education Research and Practice

Research and Practice Area NCES Contribution
Educational Technology NCES data on technology integration in schools helps researchers identify effective educational technology practices and provides guidance for educators on integrating technology into teaching and learning.
Educational Equity NCES’ research on educational equity highlights disparities in educational resources, opportunities, and outcomes, driving efforts to address inequities and promote equitable access to quality education for all students.
Educational Policy NCES plays a vital role in shaping education policies through its provision of reliable and comprehensive data. Policymakers rely on NCES data to inform policy decisions, evaluate the effectiveness of existing policies, and develop evidence-based policies that drive positive change in education.

Overall, NCES’ impact on education research and practice is far-reaching, providing crucial support and resources for researchers, educators, and policymakers. By leveraging the power of data, NCES fosters a culture of evidence-based decision making and contributes to the continuous improvement of education in the United States.

The Future of NCES

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is committed to adapting and evolving to meet the changing needs of the education landscape. As technology advancements and educational priorities continue to shift, NCES is dedicated to refining its data collection methods and aligning its research priorities. Through these future initiatives, NCES aims to remain at the forefront of education statistics and contribute to evidence-based decision making in the field.

To ensure the collection of accurate and relevant data, NCES will explore innovative approaches and utilize emerging technologies. By incorporating advanced data collection techniques, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, NCES seeks to improve the efficiency and accuracy of data collection processes. These technological advancements will enable NCES to gather comprehensive and timely information on education trends and outcomes.

Research priorities at NCES will be guided by the changing landscape of education. As new challenges and opportunities emerge, NCES will focus on addressing critical areas such as equity in education, the impact of new teaching methodologies, and the use of technology in learning. By staying attuned to the evolving needs of the education system, NCES will generate research that informs evidence-based policies and practices.

Table: Future Initiatives at NCES

Initiative Description
Incorporating Emerging Technologies Explore the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in data collection and analysis processes
Addressing Equity in Education Investigate disparities in educational access and outcomes among different student populations
Impact of New Teaching Methodologies Examine the effectiveness of innovative teaching approaches and their impact on student achievement
Technology in Learning Study the integration of technology in educational settings and its influence on teaching and learning outcomes

By embarking on these future initiatives, NCES will continue to provide reliable and comprehensive education statistics. As the field of education evolves, NCES will remain a trusted source of data and research, supporting evidence-based decision making and promoting the improvement of educational outcomes.


The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is a valuable resource for comprehensive education data and research sources. By providing reliable and up-to-date information, NCES supports evidence-based decision making in education policy and practice. Policymakers, researchers, educators, and the public can rely on NCES to access a wide range of data collections, research programs, and publications.

Having access to comprehensive education data allows stakeholders to make informed decisions and improve educational outcomes. NCES plays a crucial role in driving advancements in the field by staying at the forefront of education research and data collection. By promoting evidence-based practices, NCES contributes to the development of effective education policies and the implementation of data-driven decision making at all levels of the education system.

As education priorities and technology advancements continue to evolve, NCES will adapt its data collection methods and research priorities. This ensures that stakeholders have access to the most relevant and reliable information to inform their work. NCES will remain a trusted source for comprehensive education data, supporting evidence-based decision making and driving positive changes in education policy and practice.


Q: What is the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)?

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System, responsible for collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistics on education and public school district finance information in the United States.

Q: What kind of data does NCES collect?

NCES collects data on various aspects of education, including enrollment, demographics, school characteristics, academic achievement, and more. It collects data from K-12 education agencies, postsecondary institutions, and conducts national surveys.

Q: How can I access education data collected by NCES?

NCES provides various tools and resources for accessing education data, including online platforms like College Navigator and data tools like QuickStats and TrendStats. Researchers can also download survey datasets through the online codebook.

Q: What publications does NCES release?

NCES publishes several annual reports and publications, including the “Report on the Condition of Education,” the “Digest of Education Statistics,” and “Projections of Education Statistics.” These reports provide detailed analysis and statistics on education trends.

Q: Does NCES conduct international comparisons of education systems?

Yes, NCES conducts international assessments such as the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) to compare student performance across countries.

Q: How does NCES impact education research and practice?

NCES provides reliable and comprehensive data for researchers and educators, enabling evidence-based decision making and the implementation of data-driven practices at all levels of the education system.

Q: What is the organizational structure of NCES?

The organizational structure includes the Office of the Commissioner, Administrative Data Division, Assessment Division, Sample Surveys Division, and Annual Reports and Information Staff, all working together to fulfill NCES’ mission.

Q: How does NCES contribute to education policy?

Policymakers rely on NCES data to make informed decisions and develop evidence-based policies. The comprehensive statistics and research conducted by NCES help identify areas of improvement and inform policy recommendations.

Q: What is the future of NCES?

NCES will continue to refine its data collection methods and research priorities to meet the evolving needs of the education landscape. It will explore new avenues for data collection and adapt to changing educational practices.

Q: What is the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)?

A: The NCES is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the United States.

Q: What are the main functions of NCES?

A: The main functions of NCES include collecting and analyzing data related to education, reviewing and reporting on education activities, and producing projections of education statistics.

Q: What types of data does NCES collect?

A: NCES collects data on various aspects of education, including the condition of education, public school statistics, and the state of education practices in the U.S.

Q: What is the “Digest of Education Statistics”?

A: The “Digest of Education Statistics” is a comprehensive compilation of statistical information on education in the United States.

Q: What are some of the key reports produced by NCES?

A: NCES produces reports such as the “Indicators of School Crime and Safety,” the “National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP),” and the “Projections of Education Statistics.”

Q: How does NCES contribute to education research and policy?

A: NCES provides complete statistics on the condition of education, conducts research studies, and offers data for analyzing state education practices to inform education policies and practices.

Q: What is the National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS)?

A: The NTPS is a survey conducted by NCES that collects data on the characteristics and experiences of teachers and principals in elementary and secondary schools in the United States.

Q: How often does NCES update its data and reports?

A: NCES regularly updates its data and reports to provide the most current and relevant information on education demographics, geographic estimates, and new data on education in the U.S.

Q: How can I access NCES data and reports?

A: NCES provides access to its data, reports, research guides, and publications through its website and other dissemination channels to make education statistics readily available to the public and researchers.

Q: What are some of the upcoming initiatives or reports from NCES in 2022?

A: In 2022, NCES plans to release new reports on education activities, state education practices, and updated statistical indicators to provide a comprehensive overview of education in the U.S.

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