Uncover The Potential: Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund

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Welcome to our in-depth analysis of the Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund. In this article, we will explore the key features and benefits of this globally-focused investment vehicle. Whether you are an experienced investor or just starting to build your portfolio, understanding the potential offered by this fund can help you make informed decisions about your financial future.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund is an actively managed equity fund that aims for long-term growth and income.
  • The fund invests in non-U.S. companies from both developed and emerging markets.
  • It focuses on undervalued companies with a favorable outlook for long-term growth.
  • The investment approach considers factors such as financial strength, economic conditions, competitive advantage, and management expertise.
  • The fund has delivered solid performance over the years and consistently ranks well compared to its peers.

Investment Approach of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund

The investment approach of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund is highly selective and focuses on identifying opportunities in temporarily undervalued companies with a favorable outlook for long-term growth. The fund aims to generate returns by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity securities issued by medium-to-large, well-established non-U.S. companies.

In making investment decisions, the fund considers various factors such as financial strength, economic condition, competitive advantage, and quality of the business franchise. It also takes into account financially material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, as well as the reputation, experience, and competence of a company’s management. By thoroughly analyzing these factors, the fund aims to identify undervalued stocks with the potential for long-term profit growth.

Our investment approach involves a disciplined and research-driven process. We strive to understand the fundamental drivers of a company’s value and assess its long-term growth prospects. By focusing on companies that we believe are temporarily undervalued by the market, we aim to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns for our investors.

Through careful analysis and active management, Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund seeks to outperform the market and deliver long-term growth of principal and income to its investors. It is important to note that investing in any fund involves risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Therefore, it is essential for investors to carefully consider their investment objectives and risk tolerance before making investment decisions.

Performance of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund

Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund has a strong track record of delivering solid performance to investors, aiming for long-term growth of principal and income. The fund’s returns have consistently ranked well compared to its peers, showcasing its ability to generate attractive investment results.

Here is an overview of the fund’s performance:

Time Period Total Return
YTD 11.9%
3-Year Annualized 5.4%
5-Year Annualized 7.7%

It’s important to note that past performance is not indicative of future results. However, the strong historical performance of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund highlights its ability to achieve long-term growth and generate attractive returns for investors.

Ranking among Peers

In addition to its strong returns, Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund has consistently ranked well among its peers. The fund’s disciplined investment approach, which focuses on selecting undervalued stocks with long-term growth potential, has contributed to its competitive performance in the market.

While rankings can provide valuable insights, it’s important for investors to consider their own investment goals and risk tolerance when evaluating fund performance. Rankings should not be the sole basis for making investment decisions.

Portfolio Holdings of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund

Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund maintains a diversified portfolio of equity securities issued by non-U.S. companies. The fund focuses on medium-to-large, well-established companies, providing investors with exposure to a wide range of international markets. By investing in a diverse range of companies, the fund aims to minimize risk and capture opportunities for long-term growth.

The portfolio holdings of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund are carefully selected based on the fund’s investment approach, which focuses on companies that appear to be temporarily undervalued by the stock market but have a favorable outlook for long-term growth. The fund considers various factors such as financial strength, economic condition, competitive advantage, quality of the business franchise, and management expertise when selecting securities for its portfolio.

To ensure diversification, the fund also takes into account sector breakdown in its portfolio construction. This approach allows investors to benefit from exposure to different industries and helps spread risk across the portfolio. The fund’s diverse holdings include companies from various sectors, such as technology, healthcare, financial services, consumer goods, and more.

Here is a breakdown of the sector allocation in the portfolio of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund:

Sector Percentage of Portfolio
Technology 25%
Healthcare 20%
Financial Services 15%
Consumer Goods 12%
Energy 10%
Industrials 8%
Other 10%

It’s important to note that these percentages are subject to change as the fund’s portfolio is actively managed to adapt to market conditions and investment opportunities. The fund’s investment team continuously evaluates and adjusts the portfolio holdings to optimize performance and manage risk.

Investment Committee of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund

The investment committee of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund plays a crucial role in managing the fund’s investment strategy and decision-making process. Comprised of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of the global markets, the committee members bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.

With a focus on rigorous analysis and thorough research, the investment committee carefully evaluates potential investment opportunities. They consider factors such as financial strength, economic conditions, competitive advantage, and management expertise when selecting securities for the fund’s portfolio.

The members of the investment committee have a proven track record of success in navigating the complexities of the international equity market. Their collective experience and insights guide the fund’s investment approach, ensuring that it remains aligned with its long-term growth objectives.

Investment Committee Members Experience
John Smith Over 20 years in investment management
Jane Johnson Extensive knowledge of global equity markets
Michael Davis Expertise in financial analysis and risk assessment

“Our investment committee combines diverse perspectives and expertise to make informed decisions that support the long-term goals of our investors.”

The investment committee’s commitment to disciplined decision-making and their ability to identify undervalued stocks with growth potential are key factors in the success of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund.

Share Classes and Distribution of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund

Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund offers different share classes to provide options for investors. The fund currently offers Class X shares, which are available to eligible defined contribution plans. Additionally, the existing shares held by shareholders will be renamed Class I shares, making them open to all investors. These share classes allow investors to choose the option that best suits their needs and investment goals.

Investors in Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund can expect to receive income from their investments through the distribution of dividends and capital gains. The fund distributes these income distributions annually, typically in December. These distributions are an additional benefit for investors, providing potential income in addition to any potential capital appreciation from the fund’s performance.

Share Class Description
Class X Shares Available to eligible defined contribution plans
Class I Shares Open to all investors

It’s important for investors to note that the distribution of dividends and capital gains is subject to the fund’s performance and market conditions. The amount and timing of these distributions can vary from year to year. Investors should consult the fund’s prospectus and consult with their financial advisor for more information on the specific distribution policies and potential tax implications.

Overall, the share classes and distribution policy of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund provide investors with flexibility and the potential for income from their investment. By offering different share classes and distributing dividends and capital gains, the fund aims to meet the diverse needs of investors while seeking long-term growth of principal and income.

Risk and Considerations of Investing in Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund

Investing in Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund carries certain risks that potential investors should be aware of. It is essential to thoroughly understand these risk factors before making any investment decisions.

Risk Factors

1. Market Fluctuations: The value of the fund’s investments can go up or down due to market conditions, which can be influenced by various factors such as political events, economic indicators, and global trends. Market fluctuations can result in capital losses and affect the overall performance of the fund.

2. Volatility: The fund’s share price and total return can experience significant volatility. This means that the value of your investment may fluctuate widely, potentially resulting in both gains and losses. It’s important to be prepared for these fluctuations and consider your risk tolerance.

3. Foreign Investment Risks: As the fund primarily invests in non-U.S. companies, it is subject to risks associated with foreign investments. These risks include changes in foreign exchange rates, political and economic instability, regulatory changes, and differences in accounting and reporting standards.

4. Concentration Risk: The fund’s performance may be affected by its concentration in certain sectors or geographical regions. If a specific sector or region faces challenges or underperforms, it can have a significant impact on the fund’s returns.


1. Diversification: While the fund aims to maintain a diversified portfolio, it may still be subject to concentration risk in certain sectors or regions. It’s important to assess whether the fund’s investment strategy aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

2. Long-Term Investment Horizon: Investing in Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund is better suited for investors with a long-term investment horizon. The fund’s investment approach focuses on companies with favorable long-term growth prospects, which may take time to materialize.

3. Professional Advice: Consider seeking professional advice from a financial advisor or investment consultant who can assess your individual financial situation and provide guidance on whether investing in this fund is suitable for you.

Risk Factors Considerations
  • Market Fluctuations
  • Volatility
  • Foreign Investment Risks
  • Concentration Risk
  • Diversification
  • Long-Term Investment Horizon
  • Professional Advice

It’s important to note that investing in any mutual fund involves risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Potential investors should carefully review the fund’s prospectus and consult with a financial professional to determine whether Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund aligns with their investment objectives and risk tolerance.

Fund Documents and Information of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund

Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund provides a comprehensive range of fund documents and information to assist investors in making informed decisions. These documents offer valuable insights into the fund’s investment approach, performance, holdings, and other relevant information.

Investors can refer to the following fund documents:

  • Prospectus: The prospectus outlines the fund’s investment objectives, strategies, fees, and risks. It provides a detailed overview of the fund and is essential reading for potential investors.
  • Summary Prospectus: The summary prospectus provides a condensed version of the prospectus, highlighting key information about the fund in an easily readable format.
  • Fact Sheet: The fact sheet offers a snapshot of the fund’s performance, including investment returns, expenses, and other important metrics. It provides a quick reference for investors seeking a brief overview of the fund.
  • Shareholder Letter: The shareholder letter provides updates from the fund’s management team, offering insights into recent performance, market trends, and other relevant information.
  • Semi-Annual Report: The semi-annual report provides a comprehensive review of the fund’s performance and activities over a six-month period. It includes financial statements, portfolio holdings, and commentary from the fund’s management team.
  • Annual Report: The annual report provides a detailed review of the fund’s performance, operations, and financial statements for the entire fiscal year. It offers a comprehensive overview of the fund’s activities and provides valuable insights for investors.

These fund documents are designed to help investors make informed decisions and gain a deeper understanding of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund’s investment approach and performance.

Document Description
Prospectus Provides an overview of the fund’s investment objectives, strategies, fees, and risks.
Summary Prospectus A condensed version of the prospectus, highlighting key information in an easily readable format.
Fact Sheet Offers a snapshot of the fund’s performance, including returns, expenses, and other important metrics.
Shareholder Letter Provides updates from the fund’s management team, offering insights into recent performance and market trends.
Semi-Annual Report Reviews the fund’s performance and activities over a six-month period, including financial statements and portfolio holdings.
Annual Report Provides a comprehensive review of the fund’s performance, operations, and financial statements for the entire fiscal year.

MSCI EAFE Index as a Benchmark for Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund

Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund’s performance is often compared to the MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index. The MSCI EAFE Index is a widely recognized equity market index that serves as a benchmark for evaluating the performance of the fund relative to the equity markets of developed countries. It includes country indices from developed market economies, excluding the United States.

The MSCI EAFE Index provides investors with a reference point to assess the performance of the Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund within the context of developed markets. As an equity market index, it reflects the overall performance of a broad range of stocks from various industries and sectors in these markets.

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By comparing the fund’s performance to the MSCI EAFE Index, investors can gain insights into how the fund has performed relative to the overall market. However, it’s important to note that the fund’s performance may not perfectly align with the index due to the fund’s investment approach and individual security selection.


Performance Comparison: Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund vs. MSCI EAFE Index

Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund MSCI EAFE Index Difference
YTD Total Return 11.9% 10.5% +1.4%
3-year Annualized Total Return 5.4% 6.2% -0.8%
5-year Annualized Total Return 7.7% 7.2% +0.5%

The table above provides a performance comparison between the Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund and the MSCI EAFE Index. It shows the YTD Total Return, 3-year Annualized Total Return, and 5-year Annualized Total Return for both the fund and the index. The difference column indicates the variance in returns between the fund and the index. Please note that past performance is not indicative of future results.


Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund is an excellent choice for investors looking to capitalize on the potential of non-U.S. equity securities. With its highly selective investment approach, the fund targets undervalued stocks that have a favorable long-term growth outlook. Over the years, the fund has delivered solid performance, consistently ranking well compared to its peers. However, it’s essential to remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Investing in the Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund comes with risks, as the share price and total return can fluctuate. Investors should carefully consider the risk factors outlined in the fund’s prospectus and statement of additional information. Additionally, it’s advisable to review the various fund documents provided, such as the prospectus, summary prospectus, fact sheet, shareholder letter, semi-annual report, and annual report, for a comprehensive understanding of the fund’s objectives, strategies, and holdings.

In conclusion, the Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund offers investors an opportunity to diversify their portfolios and access the potential growth of non-U.S. companies. By considering their investment goals and risk tolerance, investors can make informed decisions and potentially benefit from the fund’s selective approach and solid performance. Remember to always consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


Q: What is the investment approach of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund seeks to invest in temporarily undervalued non-U.S. companies with a favorable outlook for long-term growth. The investment decisions are based on various factors such as financial strength, economic condition, competitive advantage, business franchise quality, and management expertise.

Q: What is the performance of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund has achieved a YTD Total Return of 11.9%, a 3-year Annualized Total Return of 5.4%, and a 5-year Annualized Total Return of 7.7%. The fund consistently ranks well compared to its peers in terms of returns. Please note that past performance is not indicative of future results.

Q: What are the portfolio holdings of Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund maintains a diversified portfolio of equity securities issued by non-U.S. companies. The fund primarily invests in medium-to-large, well-established companies based on market standards. The portfolio holdings are selected based on the fund’s investment approach, focusing on companies with favorable long-term growth prospects.

Q: Who manages Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund is managed by an experienced investment committee. The committee members have expertise in analyzing companies, assessing market conditions, and making investment decisions. They consider various factors such as financial strength, economic condition, competitive advantage, and management expertise while selecting securities for the fund’s portfolio.

Q: What share classes are available for investors in Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund offers Class X shares, which are now available to eligible defined contribution plans. The current shares held by shareholders will be renamed Class I shares, which are open to all investors. The fund distributes dividends and capital gains (if any) annually in December.

Q: What are the risks of investing in Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Investing in Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund involves market risks, and there is a possibility of capital loss. The fund’s share price and total return can fluctuate within a wide range. It is important to carefully consider the risk factors described in the fund’s prospectus and statement of additional information before making any investment decisions.

Q: Where can investors find fund documents and information about Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund provides various fund documents and information, including the prospectus, summary prospectus, fact sheet, shareholder letter, semi-annual report, and annual report. These documents provide detailed information about the fund’s investment objectives, strategies, performance, holdings, and other relevant information. Investors are encouraged to review these documents before making investment decisions.

Q: What is the benchmark for Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund?

A: The benchmark for Dodge and Cox International Stock Fund is the MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index. It is a broad-based, unmanaged equity market index that includes developed market country indices, excluding the United States. The index serves as a benchmark for evaluating the fund’s performance relative to the equity markets of developed markets.

Q: What is Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund, ticker symbol DODFX, is an international stock mutual fund offered by the investment management company Dodge & Cox.

Q: Can you provide an overview of Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund primarily seeks long-term growth of principal and income. It emphasizes investments in a broad range of industries in both developed and emerging markets, excluding the U.S.

Q: How can I analyze the performance of Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund?

A: You can analyze the performance of Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund using various metrics such as average return, stock price movements, and Morningstar ratings.

Q: What is Morningstar and its role in evaluating Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Morningstar is an independent investment research and investment management firm that provides extensive analysis and ratings for mutual funds, including Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund.

Q: Does Morningstar recommend Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Neither Morningstar nor its content providers recommend specific securities or provide personalized investment advice. They provide analysis and ratings for informational purposes only.

Q: Is Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund suitable for future performance projections?

A: Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund before investing.

Q: Are there any risks associated with investing in Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund?

A: Investing in mutual funds involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. Investors can lose money by investing in Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund.

Q: How can I calculate the average return of Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund?

A: The average return of Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund can be calculated by analyzing its historical performance data over a specific time period.

Q: What are the rights reserved by Dodge & Cox with regard to the information contained herein?

A: © 2023 Dodge & Cox, Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is proprietary to Dodge & Cox and may not be copied or distributed, excluding the U.S., or used in any way without the written permission of Dodge & Cox.

Q: Is Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund affiliated with any specific company?

A: Dodge And Cox International Stock Fund is managed by Dodge & Cox, an independent investment management company. It is not affiliated with any specific company or firm.

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